My Little Sidekick

It's always an interesting day when help tags along, especially the little kind. I had my buddy Jamie working side by side with me......and man does he LOVE the shop! We checked fluids, lights and tires, some of the important items that should be inspected on every vehicle when performing regular oil changes. This little guy is a technician in training. He will be doing oil changes with his eyes closed before he is 5!! Unfortunately, this car needed a little more than just an oil change....but bed time came before the job could be finished as I worked well into the night to get the job done. Never the less, until Mom says it's time to go, my side kick is right by my side. He knows the difference between tools and hands me clean rags. I even taught him how to use a screw driver.....a skill not every 2 year old has acquired quite yet. And we can't forget about his favorite job, testing the horn. And yes, it definitely works! Before his day was over, we had one last lesson.....Hand Washing 101! We went back to the wash tub (which he was small enough to stand in) and washed our hands with that gritty, orange grove smelling soap that gets all that dirt and grease off our hands. And just like the big boy he was all day, he watched me and did the same. I'd say it was a pretty successful day with one happy boy (ok, maybe two). Some boys may dream about sheep as they drift off to sleep, but I know little Jamie was thinking about all those tools and cool car things! Oh, the shop life.